
2012 June 16

Google+ Style Icon Set

IconShock released a set of free icons, modeled according to the Google+ style. The package includes both pixel perfect (PNG) and vector (PSD) sources, color and gray versions and different sizes. The icons are free to use for personal project, while the commercial licence has a symbolic price.

Google+ Style User Interface

Bruce Galpin from Social-IT-e Media offers this easily customizable framework of Google+ style buttons, icon buttons and drop-down menus. The code is free to use in commercial projects and can be forked from GitHub.


Monernizr is what people in the field call a “polyfill” – a javascript library that detects what your browser is capable of and allows you to take special actions if necessary to compensate for the lack of support for the latest HTML5 and CSS3 features.


Initializr is an HTML5 templates generator that generates for you a clean customizable template with just what you need to start! The base material is offered by HTML5Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap. One also can also choose the polyfill method (via Modernizr or HTML5 Shiv), the Google Services that will be used (like Chrome Frame or Analytics).

HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate is a code base (HTML/CSS/Javascript) that can be used as a starting template for any web project. Developed over four years and reaching version 3.0 (at the time of writing this), this code base profits from all best practices in the field. Among the list of features one can encounter: Cross-browser compatible Optimal […]

Toast – a simple CSS Framework

Toast is a very simple CSS Framework. It offers a global reset and a 12 column responsive grid. Due to the use of inline-block display for the grid elements, there are no floats and there is need of no clearfixes. The only downside is that it does not support older browsers like IE6 and IE7. […]

Pictos icons and icon font

Pictos is a collection of high quality royalty-free icons for user interface designer. The entire collection is available in several formats: Icon Font Package This package contains 94 hand-picked icons in font format. It is available both as a a desktop font and as @font-face packaged, including all required file formats. Server Icon Font One […]

TipTip jQuery plugin

TipTip is a smart jQuery plugin, able to detect the viewport edges and adjust its position so that it always stays visible, just like the native browser tooltips. TipTip uses no images, it is very light and can be customized with CSS.