

Adaptor – jQuery 3D slider

Adaptor is a free and cool jQuery carousel plugin. It can render both 3D and 2D transitions, although at this moment only Firefox and Webkit (Chrome and Safari) have the necessary support to display the 3D effects. All other browsers (including IE6) will fallback gracefully to a simple fade transition when using the 3D effects.    

Flex Slider 2 – responsive image carousel from WooThemes

WooThemes created this great responsive image carousel and gives it away for free. The plugin works with jQuery and it is loaded with many features. It can adapt to various content sizes, can load both images and video and works on all modern browsers.  

Percentage Loader Plugin

jQuery.PercentageLoader is a jQuery plugin for displaying a rounded progress widget, different than the classic progress bars. It makes use of HTML5 Canvas and vectors, allowing it to be scaled at will.  

Google+ Style User Interface

Bruce Galpin from Social-IT-e Media offers this easily customizable framework of Google+ style buttons, icon buttons and drop-down menus. The code is free to use in commercial projects and can be forked from GitHub.


Initializr is an HTML5 templates generator that generates for you a clean customizable template with just what you need to start! The base material is offered by HTML5Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap. One also can also choose the polyfill method (via Modernizr or HTML5 Shiv), the Google Services that will be used (like Chrome Frame or Analytics).

TipTip jQuery plugin

TipTip is a smart jQuery plugin, able to detect the viewport edges and adjust its position so that it always stays visible, just like the native browser tooltips. TipTip uses no images, it is very light and can be customized with CSS.

TN3 Gallery plugin

TN3 Gallery is a powerful jQuery image gallery and WordPress plugin with slideshow, transitions effects, multiple album options, CSS skinning and much more. It’s compatible with all modern desktop and mobile browsers. It’s the world’s best photo gallery.