

This is Responsive – a collection of patterns, modules and resources

“This is Responsive” is a project initiated, developed and maintained by Brad Frost and Pon Katerra. They compiled a repository of design patterns and code modules essential for responsive web design. The website also contains a catalogue of resources, like articles and tutorials (from novice to master level), style guides, design tools, development techniques. All […]

Responsive Web Design Interactive Guide

In a surprising twist, Template Monster, the (in)famous template provider, put together the most complete, interesting and interactive guide to the field of Responsive Web Design. Shaped like a children’s game, you can encounter glossary, blog articles, free PDF books, the official position of Google as well as many tutorials, plugins, tools and ready-made templates.

Flex Slider 2 – responsive image carousel from WooThemes

WooThemes created this great responsive image carousel and gives it away for free. The plugin works with jQuery and it is loaded with many features. It can adapt to various content sizes, can load both images and video and works on all modern browsers.  

Responsive CSS3 Slider

CSScience offers a fully responsive slider created only with CSS3 (and a minor Javascript fix for iOS devices). The functionality is supported in all modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera) and IE9 (without transition effects).  


Initializr is an HTML5 templates generator that generates for you a clean customizable template with just what you need to start! The base material is offered by HTML5Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap. One also can also choose the polyfill method (via Modernizr or HTML5 Shiv), the Google Services that will be used (like Chrome Frame or Analytics).

Toast – a simple CSS Framework

Toast is a very simple CSS Framework. It offers a global reset and a 12 column responsive grid. Due to the use of inline-block display for the grid elements, there are no floats and there is need of no clearfixes. The only downside is that it does not support older browsers like IE6 and IE7. […]