

Free Quality Bootstrap Themes from Black Tie

Carlos Alvarez is one of those great guys that help the web go forward, by giving away free quality stuff. In this case we talk about free Bootstrap 3 themes, of premium quality, served under the name Black Tie. With new themes coming on a self-imposed schedule of bi-weekly updates, this is a resource worth […]

Bootstrap 3 PSD

The end of summer brought us the long awaited version 3 of the Bootstrap Framework. To help the designers make the most of the new tools, the guys from Design Shock published the complete PSD of the default interface. Go grab it now for free!  

BootstrapCDN – Content Delivery Network for Bootstrap resources

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) for widely used resources are a boost for the performance of websites. One such resource is (Twitter) Bootstrap – a widely used front end framework. Celebrating his first year of existence, the service provides reliable hosting not only for the framework itself (including the up-to-come version 3.0 RC1), but also associated […]

Twitter Bootstrap – Complete Responsive Front End Framework

What started as an internal projects from two Twitter employees, it evolved to a complete framework used by countless designers and developers all over the world. Currently at version 2.3.2 and with a brand new refactoring coming up with version 3.0, Bootstrap has everything one needs to put together a functional website in no time. […]

Elusive Icons – a Bootstrap icon font

Elusive Icons is an Open Source icon font, with over 210 glyphs. Although it was designed to complement Bootstrap, it can be used just as well with Foundation or any other similar framework, or even on its own. It even provides a dedicated script to extend full support for IE7 users.  

Font Awesome – icon font for Bootstrap and WordPress

Dave Gandy began Font Awesome as a project to provide extra icon fonts for the well known framework of Twitter Bootstrap. Version 2.0 offers over 220 icons that can be infinitely scaled due to their native vector format. As with all icon fonts, one can change the icon color at will and apply all font […]


Initializr is an HTML5 templates generator that generates for you a clean customizable template with just what you need to start! The base material is offered by HTML5Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap. One also can also choose the polyfill method (via Modernizr or HTML5 Shiv), the Google Services that will be used (like Chrome Frame or Analytics).