Modern IE

For so many years, Internet Explorer has been both a bane for web developers and the butt of all jokes in the browser arena. Countless hours have been lost trying to adapt a design for these “dinosaurs” of the Internet. Fortunately, Microsoft started recently to get back in the good graces of web developers. One of their latest initiatives is called Modern IE and it bundles together a set of tools and utilities that will make it easier to test your websites in the various versions of Internet Explorer.

Here are some highlights of the features available to us:

  • Modern IE has a partnership with Browser Stack, a renowned cross-browser testing utility website. New users referred by get the first three months free when they sign up. The offer is valid until January 10, 2014
  • There is a set of scanning tools that can highlight common issues of compatibility with Internet Explorer, as well as checking for many modern features that a website should have: proper DOCTYPE, latest versions of the Javascript frameworks, responsive design, proper use of CSS prefixes and many more
  • Modern IE now includes the virtualization options that allow web developer to download special virtual machines in different configurations. These environments are prepare for Virtual Box and VMWare formats.
  • Last but not least, there are lots of tips and advices on how to code properly a modern website.

Overall, Modern IE is a great initiative from Microsoft and one step closer to a better web. Definitely worth checking and using.

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